Wednesday, September 17, 2008

911 call

I love this picture and it shows how crazy and silly she is. So Monday night the phone ring and I said answer it Brooklynn and she said no you answer it. This was weird because she loves answering the phone! Well the phone was for Brad and I went to run her bath water and about 3 minutes later someone is banging on our door @9:00 at night so of course everyone runs to the door and not one but 3 to 4 sheriffs cars are at our house with lights on and we open the door then he said did someone call 911 and we all looked at Brooklynn she was so scared and of course the boys loved it because she was the one in trouble not them. Well they talked to her and told her to only call if she really needs them she said Y es s i r and then she did not want to talk about it any more. We learned later that they talked about calling 911 that day at preschool!! This was so funny to see Brooklynn so nervous and to see the boys so happy that it just wasn't them this time!!!

I Love having Kids!!!!!!!!
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Vote for #69 on Oct 4

Vote Brad Bockhaus for School Board Oct 4

if any one would like to help the next few saturdays we will be hitting DOGWOOD and we need as much help as we can get please bring your kids and we have shirts for everyone so just come and it is a lot of Fun I promise!!
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